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2007 FALL IBM QSO Party CW/Digital
SOAPBOX: AA6Z: As expected, there was a low level of activity, and the mediocre conditions didnt help that. My poor showing was also caused by a high local noise level that precluded me from working any Europeans. On the positive side, I had many more contacts on PSK-31 and RTTY, which shows that quite a few of us have found enough interest to get that going. Lets hope for a turnaround in conditions by Spring. OZ9BX: I regret that I was only able to join the cw party
for 1 hour but I had to leave for M0WDL: My first IQP - but didn't operate for long. DL7AHW: Very bad conditions because many station operates on rtty and cw contest worldwide. So I have broken the test at 18:00 UTC. WA3AFS: Busy weekend; everytime I started to get set up interrupted. CO2 Detector liked my 20M sigs! CW not my favorite mode; looked on PSK twice and found no IQP people. OH2LU: In the CW/Digital Party the usual band-hopping was enhanced by in-band mode changing. Also the concurrent WAE RTTY Contest added more challenge. In WAE I worked one IBMer KI7K, Rich, but one day too late! Thank you all for the contacts. I hope to see you next year if not earlier. 73 de Tapani/OH2LU OH5BM: Rig - FT-1000d, 1kw, Antennas - Yagis: 10m 8el,15m 6/6, 20m 6/6, 40m 3el, 80m 2el in 2 rotatble towers 150ft K2CIB: Disappointing low participation here and worldwide. Perhaps should be scrapped. Too many possible modes and frequencies. Suggest each hour divided into thirds: CW, PSK31 and RTTY/other modes. 14060-14065 for PSK31 and RTTY, even though non-standard. List of all IBM Participants from submitted logs. (who did I miss?)
________________________________________________________________________ 2007 FALL IBM QSO Party SSB
SOAPBOX: AA6Z: I worked hard to get a temporary beam up for the SSB party, but only made it for the last couple of hours. The beam was not resonant on 20 m., but managed to make a couple of contacts there and some on 40. Thanks for everyones patience with my wimpy signal. I hope to do better on CW if I can fix the 20 meter problem. W0RY: Using Internet Remote Base station KA3ODJ W0CJ: It was great to renew old friends again. W7LZ: It was great talking to old friends even if the propagation was poor. WA3AFS: Difficult conditions, but still a lot of fun. KB9OLD: 20m seemed like the place to be. Great time Thanks to all that participated. DL7AHW: Operated with IC765 + PA, 400 Watt on two time 10 meter dipole for all bands. Much QRM because many contests were running. WA5LOC: As always was great to talk to those IBM Hams that I have contacted in the past, hand also those new ones that were on this year. There were several not in the data base, and was very glad to make a contact with AA6Z I would have missed not having a QSO with Paul...73, Jerry IW2MJQ: In general poor conditions with 10 and 15 meters
closed all the time. Stations worked on 20 meters with very weak signals from G3DSY: The night time
noise on 80M was S9 and on 40M was S7. The daytime noise on 20M was S7 and
apart from Portugal and Finland, the rest of Europe was VE3EVV: I enjoyed the QSO party again. Not many this time. BCNU all in the next test. DL6DZ: all contacts made with maximum 6 watts rf. Antennas used: 80m : dipole, inverted-v, 2 x 19.5 m fed via open wire feeder line 40m : lambda/2 dipole (2 x 10.10 m) feed via rg58c/u (no balun) 20m : lambda/2 folded dipole,inverted-v,indoor, via rg58c/u,1:4 balun
Bad conditions and low activity, only 3 german stations worked though i had made many skeds. QRM by the ukrainian contest in the morning on 80 m.local QRM with 9+20 db started at 15:15 utc. then I closed down. OH5BM: Rig - FT-1000d, 1kw, Antennas - Yagis: 10m 8el,15m 6/6, 20m 6/6, 40m 3el, 80m 2el in 2 rotatble towers 150ft List of all IBM Participants from submitted logs. (who did I miss?)
________________________________________________________________________ 2007 SPRING IBM QSO Party SSB (no cw
this time)
SOAPBOX: WA5LOC: Great to talk to everyone in the log aain this year. Wish there had been better conditions and more QSOs! W0RY: Nice to be able to make contacts on 75, 40 and 20 meters in spite of the Solar Cycle we are in. W0CJ: Conditions were spotty, but we still had a nice turnout. G3OZT: Sorry I was not able to get on until late evening, by which time, although I could hear some, no one could hear me! K2CIB: Band conditions were just as bad as we expected, so no real
disappointments! Could not hear G0UKB: I listened on and off during the day
- nothing heard on 40m nor 20m. I called aa few times on 20m and did get one
response so far down in the noise I couldn't get his call sign. Frustratingly
he came back to me twice with "G0UKB this is ...." and then the
QSB/QRM got him. So not
a single IBM op - on the plus side I did find HV0A and 3VBTS(Tunisian Scouts)
and in checking propagation a couple of nights ago I worked YK1BA so been a
reasonable week of DX, just a pity about not working a single IBMer on Sat. N2CKD: I
only worked one station on 20 meters. The band was open but did not hear
too many stations here in the east coast around 13:45 UTC. I heard Gerry
WA5LOC in ZL2VK: 20m
was dead but I did get a rare one JW/F8DVD DL6DZ: bad
conditions, much local noise and low activity.
I spent more than 8 hours on the station spread over all day. I reached all stations I have heard. VE3EVV: Heard Tapani OH2LU talking to Jorge CT1BOL
but could not break in. Noise level was pretty high at this end. . It is still
a great party to operate in. Best 73's to all.
Bruce VE5DP: I fired up my rig for the first time in 6 years, found my 20 meter inverted V had an SWR of 3:1 and had horrendous QRN. I could hear almost nothing. But I did hear N7TO with a nice signal - although he could barely hear me. Disappointing day. W7LZ: We need someone to step up and organize the communications effort needed to get more IBM hams on the air for our contest. We have only about 270 IBMers signed up for the IBMHAM e-mail reflector, thus we need key focal points to distribute in each country. I have tried to do this job in the past but it is time for someone else to create a new information network. I was not able to do it this year\ OH2LU: Thank you for arranging yet another friendly IBM QSO Party. 73 de Tapani/OH2LU LU7DSU: Few stations this year. ZL2BDW: Didn't hear any "CQ IBM" calls from North
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