Last Updated 13 April 2009 2100z 2009 IBM QSO Party
I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE ALL OF THOSE WITH ZERO SCORE WITH A SPECIAL THANKS FOR UNREWARDED EFFORT. SOAPBOX: AA6Z: After a hiatus of 1 year (2008) we are back with a one-day all mode IQP, and the results were surprisingly good in my opinion. I didnt do well due to medical problems, local noise, and TVI complaints from the XYL. The propagation was quite poor, but I did hear lots of DX at my sunrise, just no IBMers. My antennas are working well, so next time Ill do better. W7LZ: A fun time even if we did not get much DX. W0CJ: It was a challenge with the band conditions as theyh were, but it was still fun. WA3AFS: Propagation generator for 20M was defective. Too much QSB. K1ER/KH6: I listened
a few times and never heard any IBM activity in DL6DZ: All contacts made with maximum 6 watts RF. Bad Condx, Local Noise, Low Activity. Spent more than 8 hours spread over the
day. Lot of QRM from OK, SP
contests. No stations heard from OH2LU: Family reunion on Saturday precluded any more serious effort. G3ZQC: Only IBM stations heard were K2CIB on 20m CW, and K2CIB and WA3AFS on 20m SSB. No chance of working them though. K2CIB: Very enjoyable, but rules need modification to increase IBM QSOs. W0IBM: Only had 1 hour to operate while wife was shopping but I got the former W5IBM TS940S using our roof vertical to work ok. For some reason our main KW station to the beam would not operate. I only had 1 dim emergency light in the shack and did not want to waste time debugging. At leas a few got to work W0IBM and lets hope next year we have better conditions. WA5LOC: Enjoyed the IQP this year, as always. But poor conditions, rig problems, and seemingly low participation made IBM QSOs hard to get. K0VH: Lots of fun, but we need better propagation. Just look at the 2003 contest results where many total SSB scores were 1000-9600. Id recommend we give it another 18 months and try a Fall 2010 event. Hopefully well have a flux 100+ by then. IW2MJQ: Poor conditions few IBM stations wkd on 20M. Looking for more stations on the next round. List of all IBM Participants from submitted logs. (who did I miss?) W0CJ W0IBM KQ0J W0RY K0TW K0VH K1KD K2CIB W2MTA VE3CRU WA3AFS K4ALL W4GBU KI4KK KM4NS WA5LOC WB6OVH AA6Z W7LZ CT1DNJ DK5DC DL6DZ DL7AHW F6HJR F6HMJ F05QB G0BHK G2DSY G3OZT IW2MJQ KH6/K1ER OH1TS OH2LU OH2SS |